movement landscape

“What’s in your movement landscape?”

In November 2013 I was one of eight speakers in “Rogue Curiosity” a Powered by PechaKucha evening organized by Olivia Fermi (

Here is a link to the 7 minute video of my presentation:  “what’s in your movement landscape?”.

photo credit: L. Ettling

photo credit: L. Ettling

I gratefully acknowledge the photographers & sources of the images used in my presentation:

Blandine Calais-Germain ~ from her helpful & clear book: Anatomy of Movement

Irene Dowd ~ from her wonderful book: Taking Root to Fly

Deane Juahn ~ from his insightful book: Job’s Body, a Handbook for Bodywork

Elin Kelsey & Soyeon Kim ~ from their delightful children’s book: You Are Stardust

Anna Ruth

Jessica Ruth

Kassie Ruth

Louie Ettling

Olivia Fermi

Jonathon Lee / Subtle Dream

Robin McIntosh

False Creek Watershed Society

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